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Joerss GmbH - Sicherheitsdienste, Charterservice und Tourenorganisation Joerss GmbH > Specials und Events > Start

An unforgettable experience.

A competent high quality charter service combined with first rate events in the capital. That is our tour service.

Indulge your partner with, for example, an unforgettable evening meal at Brechts. Or with a different offer from our repertoire.

A romantic evening. A visit to a musical including limousine services.
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Consumption in complete darkness. Have a dinner at Nocti Vagus including limousine services.
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Joerss GmbH . Hoevelstraße 4 . 12487 Berlin
Telefon: (030) 743 98 516 . Telefax: (030) 245 32 001 .

Gestaltung und Umsetzung: *produktivbüro .
